How to Upload a Folder in Telegram

At first glance, Telegram may seem similar a unproblematic messaging app. But users know that it'due south so much more than than that. With great features being added all the time, there's ever something new to love most Telegram. For example, the latest big update added conversation folders to help us organize our conversations.

How to Make a Folder in Telegram

In this article, nosotros'll testify you how to make folders in Telegram and much more besides.

What Are Telegram Folders?

Many people utilize Telegram both for work and chatting with their friends. Subsequently a while, yous finish up having lots of chats and joining lots of groups. All of which tin be somewhat disruptive.

Telegram may be the first messaging app to offer a solution to this problem – chat folders. You'll now be able to organize your conversations, and find and browse specific chats much faster.

Y'all can create folders for different types of conversations. After the update, nearly people created 2 dissever folders – one for work and one for friends and family. That style, you can have better control over your conversations. It also helps you carve up your personal and professional life.

Also, you can create a specific binder for group conversations or channels. This can be a groovy help if y'all have kids, and communicate with their teachers or fellow parents through Telegram.

Of course, information technology's up to you to organize your conversations the way you like. These are but suggestions nosotros thought you may find useful.


How to Create a Folder?

You at present know what Telegram folders are and how to use them. It'south time to show you how to create the folders themselves. Here's what you have to do:

  1. Open up the Telegram app.
  2. Tap the three lines in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Enter the Settings.
  4. Roll downward and tap on Folders.
  5. Tap on the Plus sign to create a new folder.

There you have it! Y'all've just created a new binder. Now yous accept to customize it.

  1. Write the Binder name.
  2. Tap on Add together chats and select the conversations yous'd like to add to this folder.

When you lot enter the Folders section, you'll see some suggested folders. If you desire to add together one of those folders, just tap on the Add sign next to their names. For example, Telegram suggests that users brand an "Unread Folder". By creating this folder, you'll never miss a message every bit all new letters will be stored there until you lot read them.

It's up to y'all whether you'll use them or create a new one. Yous can create equally many folders every bit yous want; there'due south no limit.

How to Remove Chat from a Binder?

Of course, you can always add together new chats to a folder, but you tin as well remove conversations too. Hither's what y'all have to do:

  1. Open the Telegram app.
  2. Tap the three lines in the elevation left corner.
  3. Enter the Settings.
  4. Curlicue downwardly and tap on Folders.
  5. Enter the folder you wish to change.
  6. You tin can then tap on Add Chat or Remove Chat, depending on what you want to do.
  7. Type the name of the conversation.
  8. Finally, once again, tap on Add or Remove.

That's all there is to it! Your priorities alter with fourth dimension, every bit may the people you chat with the most. That's why Telegram allows you to update your folders to get the most out of them.

telegram make folder

Archived Folders

With the latest update, you'll automatically get archived folders. You lot can utilise them for conversations that are no longer active just you don't want to delete.

Moving chats to the archive has never been easier. All you have to do is swipe the conversation from right to left, and it'll exist archived.

If you lot receive a new message in the archived conversation, information technology'll automatically exist moved from archived to active conversations. Y'all can disable this feature by muting the conversation. That way, it'll stay in archived chats unless you decide to move information technology. Bear in listen that this ways you lot won't be notified when you receive a new message in that chat.

I Don't Have Folders

If you tin can't find this option on your Telegram app, don't worry. The characteristic was simply introduced at the stop of March, which means it may take a while until it reaches all users. Some users received it automatically, while others had to update their apps.

If you oasis't updated Telegram recently, now's the time to practice so. You lot'll probably be able to use folders, as well as some other heady features, after the update. We don't want to reveal all, but there are some new emojis you'll honey.

If you lot still don't see folders, there may be some other explanation. Telegram introduced folders to help people with lots of chats to organize. If you utilize Telegram simply to chat with a friend or two, it may assume that y'all don't need this feature. When your conversation list becomes longer, this characteristic will and so be available.

Pivot a Chat

Telegram has gone the extra mile when information technology comes to arrangement. Information technology'southward now possible to pin ane or more chats to the summit of your app. You can pin the conversations that you often use, and then you won't have to scroll downwards every time you want to write something.

Alternatively, yous tin pin chats containing important information. Even if these chats are no longer active, you'll accept the data handy. This can be very helpful, especially when information technology comes to your task.

Organization Is Everything

Organizing our stuff is essential, both on- and offline. Hopefully, the latest Telegram update will help you organize your conversations. We honey how useful it is. Hopefully, other apps will follow adjust shortly.

Have you already tried out Telegram folders? What do you call up nigh them? Let united states of america know in the comments section below.


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